The Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe is privileged to host some of Santa Fe’s most popular
local events, and in October 2022, thanks to a partnership with individuals and
organizations all over the city, Kiwanis brought to life a colorful new tradition, Día
de Muertos on the Santa Fe Plaza. And now, Día de los Muertos retrns in October 2023!
Certain parts of Mexico honor their dead in a way that is uniquely beautiful and
meaningful, and now, the Santa Fe holiday calendar includes a vibrant annual (Day of the Dead) celebration.
We invite you and your business to join the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe and its
partners and help this new tradition secure its place in the hearts and minds of
Santa Fesinos all over the city!
All donations are tax-deductible
Your generous donation makes you part of this amazing moment!
Please send your donations by mail to:
Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe
ATTN: Día de Muertos
P.O. Box 622
Santa Fe, NM 87504