Department Reimbursement Form Z Department Reimbursements Z Department Reimbursements Name* First Last Your Department Title* Email* Amount requesting reimbursement*Reason for reimbursement* Upload your receipt here (must be a PDF or JPG file)*Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.Upload your receipt here (must be a PDF or JPG file)Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.Upload your receipt here (must be a PDF or JPG file)Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.Did you* Select All Confirm you are still within your department budget Confirm you have added this to your budget spreadsheet Confirm you have added the receipt(s) to your receipts folder How to pay you if reimbursement is approved* Check (10-14 business days) Venmo within 24 hours Cash App within 24 hours Scan the QR code and request the reimbursement. Per club rules you must initiate the ask per the funding app I certify that the reimbursement above is accurate and timely. I further certify the reimbursement is for Zozobra expenses and no personal expenses are contained*Please wait while your forms upload after you click submit CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.